Functional Occlusion in Restorative Dentistry

Treatment Planning for Functional Occlusion Comprehensive dental care treatment planning makes diagnosis and predictable dental restoration outcomes easier. From dental work on single tooth to a full mouth restoration, each service is managed effectively at Montgomery Dental Care in Woodbury, MN. Starting from a comprehensive dental examination, discussing patient treatment options, and making decisions together, we seek […]
Restorative Dentistry for Seniors

Restorative dentistry for seniors living in Woodbury, MN at Montgomery Dental Care. Dental technological advancements and new product launches in the field of reconstructive dentistry benefit seniors facing oral issues.
Types of Dental Veneers

Knowing how to select the best veneers can seem confusing, but with assistance from your cosmetic dentist, you’ll make the right decision. Many patients face the challenge of knowing which veneers to ask the dentist. Or to understand their dentist’s “veneer talk.” This article can help solve that task for you.
Factors that Impact Dental Implant Success Rate

What Impacts Dental Implant Success Rate? Dental implant success rates have improved along with modern dental implant technology. People tired of dealing with missing or damaged teeth really like how dental implants can be the perfect solution. However, before you bank on having the procedure, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence the […]
What is Personalized Cosmetic Dentistry

What is Personalized Cosmetic Dentistry? How Does it Help You Gain A Perfect Bite? Personalized cosmetic dental treatment is specifically tailored to align with your oral needs and desired smile design. The principle in custom dental cosmetic treatment involves closely aligning with the person’s desired look. It also commonly involves targeting the patient’s precise needs on the source of genetic, biomarker, epigenetic, and socioeconomic factors.
Sensitive Teeth

What is the Remedy for Sensitive Teeth? Answer From Marc L, Montgomery, D.D.S. If you notice new or increased tooth sensitivity and it doesn’t go away in about 30 seconds, visit your dentist. A professional can diagnose the underlying cause and not leave you at risk. A correct and early diagnosis is your best […]
How to Care for Dental Implant Restorations

Requests for dental implants are one of the most asked-about advancements in modern dentistry. Once you’ve made the investment and are enjoying the benefits, taking care of dental implants becomes a priority. For long-term simulation of their proper functioning to improve your appearance and natural chewing functions, this article will help you know what to do.